Stephen Puth - Live Age & Birthday
Stephen Puth is a famous Family Member who was born in 13 April 1994. How old is Stephen Puth? Stephen Puth is 30 Years, 8 Months, 9 Days old from today date. Please check Stephen Puth live detailed age and intresting facts, result below in Years, Months, Weeks, Days, etc
Stephen Puth Live Age ❤️
30 Years,
8 Months, 9 Days , 0h : 0m :
s |
🎂 Next B'Day
CountDown - |
2025-04-13 : 3s |
Family Member Stephen Puth birthday information |
Date of Birth [DOB] |
13, April 1994 - Wed |
Age |
30 Years, 8 Months, 9 Days |
Profession [Occupation] |
Family Member |
Birth Day: |
Wednesday |
Birth Place |
New Jersey | |
Next Birth Day After |
3 Month, 21 days |
Age in months |
368 Months |
Age in weeks |
1,601 Weeks
4 Day |
Age in days |
11,211 Days |
Age in hours |
269,064 Hours |
Age in minutes |
16,143,840 Minutes |
Age in seconds |
968,630,400 Seconds |
Zodiac Sign |
Aries |
About - Stephen Puth
Younger brother of singing sensation Charlie Puth who also enjoys singing and playing the guitar as well. He has posted covers of songs on Soundcloud and YouTube.
Birthday Countdown of Stephen Puth