Samuel L Jackson - Live Age & Birthday

Samuel L Jackson is a famous Movie Actor who was born in 21 December 1948. How old is Samuel L Jackson? Samuel L Jackson is 76 Years, 0 Months, 6 Days old from today date. Please check Samuel L Jackson live detailed age and intresting facts, result below in Years, Months, Weeks, Days, etc

Samuel L Jackson Live Age ❤️
76 Years, 0 Months, 6 Days , 0h : 0m : s
🎂 Next B'Day CountDown -
2025-12-21 : 3s
Movie Actor Samuel L Jackson birthday information
Samuel L. Jackson
Date of Birth [DOB] 21, December 1948 - Tue
Age 76 Years, 0 Months, 6 Days
Profession [Occupation] Movie Actor
Birth Day: Tuesday
Birth Place Washington, DC |
Next Birth Day After 11 Month, 24 days
Age in months 912 Months
Age in weeks 3,966 Weeks 3 Day
Age in days 27,765 Days
Age in hours 666,360 Hours
Age in minutes 39,981,600 Minutes
Age in seconds 2,398,896,000 Seconds
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

About - Samuel L Jackson

Actor, producer, and civil rights activist who won a BAFTA Best Supporting Actor Award for his role as Jules Winfield in the 1994 classic Pulp Fiction. He also played Mace Windu in the Star Wars prequel trilogy and had memorable roles in the films Sphere, The Negotiator, Kingsman: The Secret Service, Jurassic Park and Jackie Brown.