Don Knotts - Live Age & Birthday
Don Knotts is a famous TV Actor who was born in 21 July 1924. How old is Don Knotts? Don Knotts is 100 Years, 5 Months, 1 Days old from today date. Please check Don Knotts live detailed age and intresting facts, result below in Years, Months, Weeks, Days, etc
Don Knotts Live Age ❤️
100 Years,
5 Months, 1 Days , 0h : 0m :
s |
🎂 Next B'Day
CountDown - |
2025-07-21 : 3s |
TV Actor Don Knotts birthday information |
Date of Birth [DOB] |
21, July 1924 - Mon |
Age |
100 Years, 5 Months, 1 Days |
Profession [Occupation] |
TV Actor |
Birth Day: |
Monday |
Birth Place |
Morgantown | WV |
Next Birth Day After |
6 Month, 29 days |
Age in months |
1,205 Months |
Age in weeks |
5,239 Weeks
6 Day |
Age in days |
36,679 Days |
Age in hours |
880,296 Hours |
Age in minutes |
52,817,760 Minutes |
Age in seconds |
3,169,065,600 Seconds |
Zodiac Sign |
Cancer |
About - Don Knotts
Played the role of Deputy Barney Fife on The Andy Griffith Show. In 1996, he was honored by TV Guide, as they ranked him 27 out of 50 in its Greatest TV Stars of All Time.
Birthday Countdown of Don Knotts