Rosa Salazar - Live Age & Birthday
Rosa Salazar is a famous TV Actress who was born in 16 July 1985. How old is Rosa Salazar? Rosa Salazar is 39 Years, 5 Months, 6 Days old from today date. Please check Rosa Salazar live detailed age and intresting facts, result below in Years, Months, Weeks, Days, etc
Rosa Salazar Live Age ❤️
39 Years,
5 Months, 6 Days , 0h : 0m :
s |
🎂 Next B'Day
CountDown - |
2025-07-16 : 3s |
TV Actress Rosa Salazar birthday information |
Date of Birth [DOB] |
16, July 1985 - Tue |
Age |
39 Years, 5 Months, 6 Days |
Profession [Occupation] |
TV Actress |
Birth Day: |
Tuesday |
Birth Place |
Canada | |
Next Birth Day After |
6 Month, 24 days |
Age in months |
473 Months |
Age in weeks |
2,057 Weeks
5 Day |
Age in days |
14,404 Days |
Age in hours |
345,696 Hours |
Age in minutes |
20,741,760 Minutes |
Age in seconds |
1,244,505,600 Seconds |
Zodiac Sign |
Cancer |
About - Rosa Salazar
After rising to fame for her recurring role as Zoe on NBC's Parenthood, she was cast as Brenda in The Maze Runner films. In 2019, she'd star in Alita: Battle Angel
Birthday Countdown of Rosa Salazar