Michael Cera - Live Age & Birthday

Michael Cera is a famous Movie Actor who was born in 07 June 1988. How old is Michael Cera? Michael Cera is 36 Years, 9 Months, 19 Days old from today date. Please check Michael Cera live detailed age and intresting facts, result below in Years, Months, Weeks, Days, etc

Michael Cera Live Age ❤️
36 Years, 9 Months, 19 Days , 0h : 0m : s
🎂 Next B'Day CountDown -
2025-06-07 : 3s
Movie Actor Michael Cera birthday information
Michael Cera
Date of Birth [DOB] 07, June 1988 - Tue
Age 36 Years, 9 Months, 19 Days
Profession [Occupation] Movie Actor
Birth Day: Tuesday
Birth Place Brampton | Canada
Next Birth Day After 2 Month, 11 days
Age in months 441 Months
Age in weeks 1,920 Weeks 1 Day
Age in days 13,441 Days
Age in hours 322,584 Hours
Age in minutes 19,355,040 Minutes
Age in seconds 1,161,302,400 Seconds
Zodiac Sign Gemini

About - Michael Cera

Known for playing characters with awkward social tendencies who specifically struggle with the opposite sex, his most memorable roles include George Michael Bluth in the comedy series Arrested Development, Evan in the 2007 teen comedy feature Superbad and Paulie Bleeker in the 2007 comedy/drama Juno.