Billy Graham - Live Age & Birthday

Billy Graham is a famous Religious Leader who was born in 07 November 1918. How old is Billy Graham? Billy Graham is 106 Years, 1 Months, 15 Days old from today date. Please check Billy Graham live detailed age and intresting facts, result below in Years, Months, Weeks, Days, etc

Billy Graham Live Age ❤️
106 Years, 1 Months, 15 Days , 0h : 0m : s
🎂 Next B'Day CountDown -
2025-11-07 : 3s
Religious Leader Billy Graham birthday information
Billy Graham
Date of Birth [DOB] 07, November 1918 - Thu
Age 106 Years, 1 Months, 15 Days
Profession [Occupation] Religious Leader
Birth Day: Thursday
Birth Place Charlotte | NC
Next Birth Day After 10 Month, 15 days
Age in months 1,273 Months
Age in weeks 5,537 Weeks 3 Day
Age in days 38,762 Days
Age in hours 930,288 Hours
Age in minutes 55,817,280 Minutes
Age in seconds 3,349,036,800 Seconds
Zodiac Sign Scorpio

About - Billy Graham

Beloved American Christian evangelist who rose to celebrity status in 1949 and operated a variety of media and publishing outlets. He has appeared on Gallup's list of most admired men and women 55 times since 1955 and became regarded as "America's pastor."