David Guetta - Live Age & Birthday
David Guetta is a famous DJ who was born in 07 November 1967. How old is David Guetta? David Guetta is 57 Years, 4 Months, 18 Days old from today date. Please check David Guetta live detailed age and intresting facts, result below in Years, Months, Weeks, Days, etc
David Guetta Live Age ❤️
57 Years,
4 Months, 18 Days , 0h : 0m :
s |
🎂 Next B'Day
CountDown - |
2025-11-07 : 3s |
DJ David Guetta birthday information |
Date of Birth [DOB] |
07, November 1967 - Tue |
Age |
57 Years, 4 Months, 18 Days |
Profession [Occupation] |
DJ |
Birth Day: |
Tuesday |
Birth Place |
Paris | France |
Next Birth Day After |
7 Month, 12 days |
Age in months |
688 Months |
Age in weeks |
2,994 Weeks
0 Day |
Age in days |
20,958 Days |
Age in hours |
502,992 Hours |
Age in minutes |
30,179,520 Minutes |
Age in seconds |
1,810,771,200 Seconds |
Zodiac Sign |
Scorpio |
About - David Guetta
French DJ and record producer known for such hit songs as "Gettin' Over You" and "When Love Takes Over." He has sold over 10 million albums and over 50 million singles worldwide. His 2018 hit "Flames" was the most-played radio song in Europe in 2018.
Birthday Countdown of David Guetta