Damon Wayans - Live Age & Birthday

Damon Wayans is a famous Comedian who was born in 04 September 1960. How old is Damon Wayans? Damon Wayans is 64 Years, 6 Months, 22 Days old from today date. Please check Damon Wayans live detailed age and intresting facts, result below in Years, Months, Weeks, Days, etc

Damon Wayans Live Age ❤️
64 Years, 6 Months, 22 Days , 0h : 0m : s
🎂 Next B'Day CountDown -
2025-09-04 : 3s
Comedian Damon Wayans birthday information
Damon Wayans
Date of Birth [DOB] 04, September 1960 - Sun
Age 64 Years, 6 Months, 22 Days
Profession [Occupation] Comedian
Birth Day: Sunday
Birth Place New York City | NY
Next Birth Day After 5 Month, 8 days
Age in months 774 Months
Age in weeks 3,368 Weeks 3 Day
Age in days 23,579 Days
Age in hours 565,896 Hours
Age in minutes 33,953,760 Minutes
Age in seconds 2,037,225,600 Seconds
Zodiac Sign Virgo

About - Damon Wayans

In Living Color alumnus who came from a show-biz family and starred as Michael Richard Kyle, Sr. on ABC's My Wife and Kids from 2001 to 2005. His film credits include Major Payne, Celtic Pride and Bulletproof. He's often shared the screen with his siblings Marlon, Shawn, Keenen and Kim.